Logstash: Add Field to Event with Mutate Filter

Minh Vu

By Minh Vu

Updated Feb 03, 2024

Figure: Logstash: Add Field to Event with Mutate Filter

Disclaimer: All content on this website is derived directly from my own expertise and experiences. No AI-generated text or automated content creation tools are used.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add a new field in Logstash with different examples that can be a case you are looking for.

In general, we will use the mutate filter plugin with the add_field option to create a new field in Logstash.


Adding a New Field in Logstash

To add a new field in Logstash, we can use the add_field option in the mutate filter. The syntax is as follows:

input {
  # ...
filter {
  mutate {
    add_field => {
      "field" => "value"
      "another_field" => "another value"
output {
  # ...

For example, I will use the following sample log and add two more fields age, phone_number, gender.letter and gender.full:

  "name": "Minh Vu",
  "location": "Viet Nam"

To add age, phone_number, gender.letter and gender.full, I will use the following Logstash config:

input {
  # ...
filter {
  mutate {
    add_field => {
      "age" => 21
      "phone_number": "0987654321"
      "[gender][letter]" => "M"
      "[gender][full]" => "Male"

The result will be:

  "name": "Minh Vu",
  "location": "Viet Nam",
  "age": 21,
  "phone_number": "0987654321",
  "gender": {
    "letter": "M",
    "full": "Male"

Adding a New Field Concatenated from Multiple Fields in Logstash

The add_field option also allows us to access the values of existing fields, so that we can create the combination of existing fields and assign to a new field.

To access the value of a field, you can use the % operator with that field name like this:

# ...
filter {
  mutate {
    add_field => {
      "field" => "%{current_field}"
      "some_field" => "%{[some][nested][field]}"
# ...

For example, I want to combine my information above into a new field csv that is separated by a comma, I can use the following config:

# ...
filter {
  mutate {
    add_field => {
      "csv" => "%{name},%{age},%{phone_number},%{location},%{[gender][letter]}"
# ...

The result will be:

  "name": "Minh Vu",
  "location": "Viet Nam",
  "age": 21,
  "phone_number": "0987654321",
  "gender": {
    "letter": "M",
    "full": "Male"
  "csv": "Minh Vu,21,0987654321,Viet Nam,M"

Adding a New Field Based on Condition in Logstash

To add a field with some condition, you can use the mutate filter with an if phrase.

The config is as follows:

# ...
filter {
  if some_condition {
    mutate {
      add_field => {
        "field" => "value"

For example, I want to add a field adult based on the condition: returns true if age > 18, returns false otherwise.

I will use the following config to add that adult field:

# ...
filter {
  if [age] > 18 {
    mutate {
      add_field => {
        "adult" => "true"
  } else {
    mutate {
      add_field => {
        "adult" => "false"
  "name": "Minh Vu",
  "location": "Viet Nam",
  "age": 21,
  "phone_number": "0987654321",
  "gender": {
    "letter": "M",
    "full": "Male"
  "csv": "Minh Vu,21,0987654321,Viet Nam,M",
  "adult": "true"


In this tutorial, I have shown you how to add a new field in Logstash using the mutate filter with the add_field option.

To recap, there are 3 common cases to add a new field in Logstash:

  1. Adding a new field with a static value.
  2. Adding a new field by combining existing fields.
  3. Adding a new field based on a condition.

Hope you find this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

Minh Vu

Minh Vu

Software Engineer

Hi guys 👋, I'm a developer specializing in Elastic Stack and Next.js. My blog shares practical tutorials and insights based on 3+ years of hands-on experience. Open to freelance opportunities — let's get in touch!



Apr 03, 2024

thanks a lot

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